Conservatives urge Liberals to stand up and “Free the Beer”!
OTTAWA, ON – In response the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to hear the case of Gerard Comeau, Official Opposition Critic for Interprovincial Trade MP John Barlow issued the following statement:
“We are delighted to hear today’s news that the Supreme Court of Canada has agreed to hear Gerard Comeau’s ‘Free The Beer’ case. While the decision rendered will be of national significance, a favourable one will pave the way for massive business opportunity and job creation for the Canadian economy.
“As Conservative Critic for Interprovincial Trade, I’ve been proud to help lead our ‘Free the Beer’ campaign ( ), a grassroots initiative to highlight just how dysfunctional internal trade issues across Canada are. Canadians know the system is broken when they see someone like Mr. Comeau is facing charges for taking a few two-fours across a provincial boundary.
Free trade is a constitutional right, yet the recently-announced Canadian Free Trade Agreement by the Liberal Government failed Canadians – mostly notably with the unjust exclusion of alcohol. Today’s news gives the Prime Minister another opportunity to do what is right and show leadership when it comes to trade. We are calling on the Liberal Government to act as an “intervener” in the Comeau case, and help influence the court in its decision, as is customary in constitutional cases.
“Eliminating trade barriers between the provinces is good for our economy, it is good for business, and it is good for Canada. Now it’s time this Prime Minister and his Government to stand up for our constitutional right to free trade, and help ‘Free The Beer’!”
For more information:
Brittany Lorenz
Director of Communications
Office of John Barlow, MP