Marney Delver Featured in Foothills Gallery in Macleod MP’s Office
Macleod MP John Barlow has invited artists and photographers from across his riding to submit their work to be included in the Foothills Gallery, an exhibit area in his Ottawa office which features the work of local artisans. As of May 2015, Ms. Marney Delver is the new artist featured in the Foothills Gallery. Ms. Delver’s exhibit replaces the former exhibit of High River photographer, Ms. Janice King.
Ms. Delver is a third generation Albertan from Millarville who now lives near Fort Macleod. She is an award winning artist, and she focuses her attention on sculpting with clay and drawing. She currently lives with her husband and two children on their farm south of Fort Macleod, and her work is inspired by the beauty of the landscape. Albertan seasonal changes often influence her art’s textures, patterns and colors. To learn more about Ms. Delver and her work, please visit .
Four of Ms. Delver’s beautiful drawings are now on display.

Macleod MP John Barlow shows the work of Fort Macleod artist Marney Delver, which will now be on exhibit on the Foothills Gallery in his Ottawa office.
“Our Foothills Gallery has become a popular area on Parliament Hill as parliamentarians, staff and dignitaries come and see the work of our talented Macleod artists,” said MP Barlow. “This has become an incredible showcase of southern Alberta artisans and I am honoured to have Ms. Delver’s outstanding work on exhibit.”
Ms. Delver also spoke about her decision to participate in the Foothills Gallery.
“I was thrilled to be chosen to showcase my artwork in John Barlow’s Ottawa office,” said artist Marney Delver. “My drawings are a celebration of the agricultural community and it is an honor to share my vision of the west.”
For those curious as to what happens to the art in the Foothills Gallery in Ottawa after their exhibition, the usage of the art is up to the discretion of the artist. All artists are given the opportunity to offer their art to be given as gifts to dignitaries, to be sold, or to be sent back to the artist. Ms. King, whose wonderful photographs opened the gallery, chose to have some of her pieces given as gifts to dignitaries, and now some of her work will be shown in the office of the Ambassador of Taiwan, Bruce Linghu.

Macleod MP John Barlow presents a piece from High River photographer Janice King to Simon Sung, Deputy Executive Director of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada. The piece will be given to Taiwan Ambassador, Bruce Linghu.
Artisans interested in this opportunity are asked to contact Mr. Barlow’s office.